August usually bring the late flowering perennials such as Japanese Anemone. As we have had a mild winter and dry spring into early summer, some plants are flowering almost a month early. So I am going to suggest plants that usually flower in August but may be going over this year!
Not many shrubs flower in late summer but one that will give white flowers is Eucryphia x nymansensis Nymansay. A bit of a mouthful to say, but if you have space (it will achieve 10m by 4m in time), a sheltered spot and soil that is slightly acidic it will flower over a long period with many pure white flowers as can be seen from the photo. There are good examples on the Wirral where there is a maritime climate.
Perennials that flower in August include Actaea Brunette which has dark purple foliage and then sends up tall spires of white bottlebrush flowers. Plant it next to glossy green leaves to show the foliage. It likes a moisture retentive soil and flower stems will soar to 2m in height. If you plant yellow Crocosmia Sulphurea and Kniphofia Little Maid in front of the Actaea, the yellow flowers will show well against the dark foliage. All prefer a moisture retentive soil.
Clematis flowering in August will give colour if grown through a shrub that flowered earlier in the year. Clematis viticella varieties such Etoile Violette with rich dark blue flowers will do well in a shady spot. For a larger more robust plant try Clematis tangutica with yellow pixie hat shaped flowers in abundance.
Jobs to do in the garden include planting daffodils, crocus and chionodoxa bulbs. Dead head roses and buddleia flowers to keep the plants looking good. Prune evergreens in August but not later as new growth is more likely to be damaged by frost. Pinch out the tops of runner beans and tomato plants to encourage production of beans and tomatoes. Keep them well watered in dry weather.
If you would like to visit gardens look out for gardens open under the National Gardens Scheme where all proceeds go to charities including Marie Cure Cancer Care and Macmillan Cancer Support.
21 Scafell Close in Stockport is open on Sat 5th and Sun 6th August. This garden has something for everyone with an annuals border, heather garden, vegetable area, perennials with pond and a secret terraced garden.